Momentive Strike - One Day Longer, One Day Stronger
Media Advisory
Immediate Release: Monday, December 12, 2016
For more information: Mark Emanation (518) 779-5059
Dom Patrignani (518) 935-3445
Darcy Wells (518) 859-1274
Solidarity Rally for IUE-CWA Local 81359/81380 Members in their Fight for a Fair Contract
March and Rally to support Momentive Workers on Tuesday
The dedicated members of IUE-CWA Local 81359/81380 made the difficult decision to strike at Momentive Performance Materials in Waterford, New York, Nov 2, 2016 to preserve good, solid jobs here in our communities. A solidarity rally will take place on Tuesday, December 13, 2016 to give workers and their supporters an opportunity to discuss the strike and the current safety risks at the chemical plant as replacement workers take the jobs of the highly trained union members. The event will include speakers, music, food and refreshments. The rally will begin with a march at 6:00 pm from Momentive Performance Materials, 260 Hudson River Road, Waterford, NY (Routes 32 and 4) to Chrome Food and Spirits, 405 Hudson River Road, (routes 32 and 4) for a rally from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm.Hear from the workers, their families and their supporters. The video “Strength from the line” can be viewed here. Members of IUE-CWA Local 81359/81380 will be joined by their families, other members of the Labor Movement, members of the community, clergy and elected officials. These men and women are fighting for a fair and equitable contract with Momentive Performance Materials. Momentive has so far refused to bargain in good faith, instead making proposals that would slash health care, take back younger members retirement security and eliminate all future benefits for retirees. For more information on this contract fight, visit Momentiveworkers.comInterviews with union members and their families available at the event.