Legislation: Advocating for Policies that Benefit Working New Yorkers
2025 Legislative Agenda
2025 Executive Budget Breakdown
2024 End of Session Report
Support and Oppose Memos
Legislation passed at all levels of government impacts our members, retirees, and their families. The New York State AFL-CIO provides a voice for union members and all working people in the state Legislature and state Congressional delegation. Our mission is to raise the standard of living and quality of life for all working people. Advocating for pro-worker policies is an important tool for achieving that goal.
Our Legislative Process
The New York State AFL-CIO has an interest in all proposed legislation and policy that has the potential to impact the lives of workers. Each year our Legislative Department reviews over 14,000 pieces of legislation. When appropriate, we issue memorandums in support of or opposition to certain bills.
Our officers and legislative staff regularly present the union movement’s positions to the legislative committees that are conducting hearings on legislation of importance to working people. Our legislative staff and the legislative staff of our affiliated unions make frequent visits to the state Capitol and the offices of New York congressional members to discuss pending bills with elected officials. We maintain consistent communication between our legislative team and the legislative representatives of our affiliates, Central Labor Councils, and Area Labor Federations. This is the “labor lobby” in action.
The New York State AFL-CIO is often called upon to initiate legislation that will protect or benefit workers and their families. Our Legislative Department conducts research, drafts bills, prepares legislative memoranda, and assists in publicizing legislative issues. Our affiliates often turn to us for information and assistance with legislative issues.
Our Legislative Goals
Many of our legislative goals are related to labor unions and the regulations that affect them, such as the Taylor Law and the National Labor Relations Act, State Labor Relations Act, Fair Labor Standards Act, Unemployment Insurance Law, Prevailing Rate Laws and Workers’ Compensation Laws, and Temporary Disability Insurance.
The labor lobby also works on legislation related to unemployment insurance, workers’ compensation, offshoring, paid family leave, childcare, minimum wage, workplace health and safety, public employee pensions, education, mass transit, economic development, and climate change.