Rochester & Genesee Valley Area Labor Federation
Representing 100,000 member in Chemung, Genesee, Livingston, Monroe, Ontario, Schuyler, Seneca, Steuben, Wayne, Wyoming and Yates counties.
Dan Maloney President c/o UAW 221 Dewey Ave Rochester, NY 14608 585-458-1908 (O) [email protected] | Patrick Coyle Chief of Staff 30 North Union Street, Suite 100 Rochester, NY 14607 585-451-3342 (C) 585-263-4671 (F) [email protected] | |
Within the Area Labor Federation (ALF) are:
Chemung/Schuyler CLC
Finger Lakes Chapter
Rochester & Vicinity CLC
Steuben/Livingston CLC
While all Affiliates (Local Unions) are members of the ALF, each Affiliate chooses which, and how, to be involved with the CLC’s. However, it should be noted that all sectors, Private, Public & Construction have union members living in each County, Town and Village throughout these 11 counties.
We are also home to 3 AFL-CIO Constituency Organizations:
Coalition of Black Trade Unionists, Rochester Chapter
Next Generation United, Rochester & Genesee Valley Chapter
Pride at Work, Rochester/Finger Lakes Chapter