Statement of New York State AFL-CIO President Mario Cilento on 2022-23 State Budget

Albany, NY – “The New York State budget includes several victories for working people. It recognizes through pension reform the need to recruit and retain public employees so that vital public services like health care, mental hygiene, education, and mass transit can continue uninterrupted.
The budget includes much needed funding for the Department of Labor for labor law enforcement and critical funding for universal childcare to give countless families access to care. The budget will also create family sustaining jobs and new opportunities in the cannabis industry in a socially equitable way.
We are very pleased that Buy American provisions, prevailing rate and labor peace agreements have been included in the environmental bond act. In addition, the budget ensures that as we transition to zero emission school buses, we do it in a way that includes strong protections for existing workers while ensuring Buy American and prevailing rate requirements are part of the process.
Finally, the $50 million in workforce development funding will go a long way toward training and skill upgrades for workers.
We thank Governor Hochul for her leadership on issues important to our members throughout the budget process as well as Majority Leader Stewart-Cousins, Speaker Heastie, and their conferences for working to keep New York union strong. We look forward to working with them in the remainder of the legislative session to improve the lives of working people throughout the state.”